Education and training are key to a secure future, both for the young people, but also for the Austrian economy. Thanks to intensive efforts undertaken over the past few years, we have succeeded in keeping unemployment among young people low; however, in view of increasing qualification requirements for the workforce, the apprenticeship guarantee alone is not enough.
Qualified skilled workers are a significant strength of Austria as business location. Preventing a situation where existing potentials are not utilised makes sense not only from an individual, but also from a general economic perspective. In the medium to long term, investment in Education until 18 will pay as more young people will have completed a post-compulsory education or training, thus reducing their risk of becoming unemployed by two thirds. Sustainable, qualified employment will generate higher tax income in the future while reducing expenditure on unemployment and other social benefits.
Young people often lack the connection between their personal strengths, interests and career choice, while some are confronted with stressful problems. It is therefore vital for young people to become aware of their strengths, interests, talents and aptitudes so that they can confidently use these as resources in the education and training process.
This is why Education until 18 is not “only” about ensuring post-compulsory qualification for young people. It also comprises preventive offers, best possible support for youths and their parents, as well as an optimization of the education and training offers.
Unqualified employment offers hardly any opportunities for career advancement, no possibility for the formal completion of a training, and no perspectives in the labour market.
In cases where unqualified employment is not based on a pathway or support plan, the coordinating office will arrange for the preparation of such a plan. In this event, young people have the right to terminate their employment prematurely regardless of any statutory or collectively agreed notice periods or dates. This will not have any effect on the remaining entitlements resulting from the employment contract.
At companies as well, the awareness of the question about the future education careers of young people and of preventive efforts should be raised. This is the only way to ensure that the youths concerned will receive help at an early stage.
Should there be any problems in connection with the training of young people, companies may make use of diverse support offers, such as Coaching for apprenticeship and training companies, apprenticeship subsidies or the vocational education assistance.
Should you have any specific or personal questions about Education until 18,
please write to us or call us!