What benefits does Education until 18 provide for you?

School, an apprenticeship or a different education assist you with the start of your working life. It is about a sense of community and a meaningful occupation. If you complete an apprenticeship, you will earn more money later, will find a job more easily, and you will lead a healthier and longer life. Youth coaching or AMS can help you find out what your interests and talents are and prepare a very specific plan for your education. Have you had bad experiences at school, or do you simply not know what you should do?
Then contact the regional coordinating office!

Your direct link to our coordinating offices:

What does the duty to complete an education mean for you?

The duty to complete an education is a kind of safety net. Because only people who have completed an education will find a good job. Young people without an education are at a greater risk of becoming unemployed later, will earn less money and will miss out on the opportunity of belonging and being a part – and that for their entire life.

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Clueless woman - Emoji

Do you lack a plan?

Did you drop out of school or end your education without knowing what to do next? Or are you thinking about it?

Doing nothing or taking on an unskilled job is no solution.

We will help you develop and also implement a plan. We will consider your wishes, interests and talents very carefully to make sure that the plan is right for you. And we will also not leave you alone with the implementation of the plan.


Where can you get support?

You may contact the regional coordinating office at any time if you need help with your education. If you have not attended school, an apprenticeship or a different training measure in more than three months, your parents, the school or other institutions are required to report this. The regional coordinating office will then contact you.

The youth coaching or the AMS will take charge of further support and prepare your individual pathway or support plan together with you.

The most important point in this regard is what you wish to do – not what anybody else tells you to do.

What is the youth coaching?

Already since 2012, the youth coaching has assisted young people with the transition from school to work. There are about 60,000 participations in youth coaching every year. The youth coaching is an offer of the Social Service Office.

What is the AMS?

The Labour Market Service (AMS) matches candidates with job openings, apprenticeship seekers on open apprenticeship positions and provides support for unemployed people and companies through counselling, information, qualification and financial subsidies.

Concrete offers

The duty to complete an education may be fulfilled by any of the following:

Below is the official list containing the recognized offers and measures that your child may attend or successfully complete to fulfil his or her duty to complete an education:

Recognition of other offers

Other offers may be recognized subject to the submission of a corresponding application by the parents. The decision will be made by the Social Service Office. The decision will depend on whether the offer or the employment will contribute to obtaining a post-compulsory education or training qualification or can improve the young person’s opportunities in the labour market.

Contact with the coordinating office

Should you have any specific or personal questions about Education until 18,
please write to us or call us!

0800 700 118

Mon-Thu 09:00-16:00 Uhr Fri 09:00-12:00 Uhr
toll-free from inside Austria

Education until 18 is an initiative of the Austrian Federal Government
